Microneedling in Draper, Utah

Maven Medical Arts in Draper, Utah provides the top microneedling service in the Draper area and is an ideal treatment option to unclog pores, reduce hyperpigmentation, and target fine lines and wrinkles for truly healthier skin.

Microneedling is a non-invasive treatment that creates microscopic damage to the skin using a handheld device and very short, very fine needles that puncture the outer layers of the skin. Your body then creates new collagen and elastin fibers to heal the wounds, resulting in healthier skin. When you need help unclogging pores and releasing deeply held congestion, microneedling is a great option. This service helps to clear acne, target fine lines and wrinkles, and reduce hyperpigmentation.

Maven Medical Arts use the SkinPen® Precision to deliver the transformative results of microneedling. The SkinPen® is the first FDA cleared microneedling device and only FDA-cleared microneedling protocol, engineered and manufactured in the U.S.A.

Microneeding can be used to treat many skin conditions including:

  • Acne

  • Fine Lines

  • Wrinkles

  • Large Pores

  • UV Skin Damage

  • Rough or Uneven Skin

  • Rosacea

  • Hyperpigmentation

  • Traumatic Scarring

  • Stretch Marks

  • Acne Scarring

The Microneedling Treatment Areas:

The most requested area for microneedling is on the face. It can also be used on other parts of the body to improve stretch marks, wrinkles, and scarring.

The most common areas to have Microneedling treatments include:

  • Face, Neck

  • Décolletage

  • Top of hands

  • Stretch Marks

  • Scars

There are multiple advantages of Microneedling including:

  • reduced fine lines and wrinkles

  • reduced pore size

  • minimized acne scarring

  • tightening of sagging skin

  • balanced skin tone

SkinPen® Precision microneedling pen

Microneedling involves using a mechanized device called a SkinPen® to make thousands of micro needle punctures in the outermost layers of the skin. By precisely controlling the depth, spacing, frequency, and pattern of these needle pricks, the Skinpen® stimulates your body to make more collagen in the areas where it needs it the most. Microneedling has been scientifically demonstrated to show improvement in fine lines, freckles, sunspots, scars, burns, pitted and non-pitted acne scars, stretch marks, and large pores.

Microneedling FAQ

  • Some of the conditions that microneedling is known to improve include: mild to moderate acne scarring, fine lines and wrinkles, sagging skin, skin texture and pore size, and stretch marks.

  • Although Microneedling sounds scary (thousands of needles going into your face!), it is actually quite painless. Maven uses a lidocaine numbing cream on your face to keep you completely comfortable, and you are wide awake during the procedure. The experience feels similar to a deep facial with a bit of extra vibration. At the end of the procedure, your face will be slightly red and tingly, as the growth factors, vitamin C, or platelet rich plasma absorb into your skin. By the next day, you will be able to return to work and play, with minimal downtime.

    Improved skin appearance begins to occur almost immediately and continues for 4 to 6 weeks. For best results, Microneedling can be repeated as frequently as every 6 weeks, or as infrequently as 2-3 times a year, depending on your concerns.

  • Microneedling is a non-invasive procedure so there really will not be any need for downtime or recovery. Most people return to work the day after their treatment. Post-treatment, you may see a bit of pinpoint bleeding from the needles. This should only last for a few minutes. Your skin will be red and feel hot like it is a bit sunburned for 24-48 hours. Swelling around the treated areas is also a minor concern but should be resolved within a day or two. A good moisturizer and a broad-spectrum sunscreen are recommended.

  • Some people experience skin and texture improvements immediately after treatment. One should allow 2 weeks to see major improvements, which will become even more apparent as time passes. Maximal results are usually experienced within the first 3 months after treatment. Treatment frequencies will vary among patients. Some may experience the desired results after the initial session, while others may need additional sessions to achieve their goals.

  • It takes 28 days to make new collagen. Your skin will continue to remodel for 3 months. However, you can stack treatments as close as 1 month apart and the results will compound upon each other. You can space them apart as far as you would like without any problems. A series of 3 microneedling treatments performed with each treatment spaced 6 weeks apart will give the best results.

    The definitive way for patients to know how many treatments they need is to book a free consultation at Maven Medical Arts.

  • A Microneedling treatment does not involve any incisions or the removal of any body tissue; therefore, Microneedling is a non-invasive treatment option.

  • Customized treatment plans are always created in the best interest of our patients and with a team approach. The amount and type of treatments a patient receives will be based on their needs.

  • Areas of the face with fine lines, wrinkles, and scars may be treated using microneedling.

  • Microneedling’s effect on your skin is best combined with synergistic and scientifically proven skin care products. Medical-Grade retinol, vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E, and ferulic acid are products that will improve your skin and make your microneedling results last longer. Microneedling makes your skin more permeable to absorption of medically active ingredients, so use of these products after your treatment is the best way to get great skin.

  • Microneedling can be combined with a liquid treatment on the skin surface-- such as growth factors, vitamin C, or platelet rich plasma (PRP)-- to further improve skin quality, evenness, and texture. This is highly effective because the skin absorbs more of these growth factors as a result of microneedling treatment. Chemical peels are also a common treatment done directly after microneedling.

  • The before and after photos of Microneedling speak for themselves. Although individual results and situations vary, this technique has been demonstrated to be effective in facial wrinkles, acne scars, hyperpigmentation, burns, surgical scars, and stretch marks.

  • Numbing time is about 30 minutes, and the microneedling process itself usually takes about 30-45 minutes, depending on skin thickness and target issues. The average total treatment time for microneedling is about one hour.